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Sen, Arunima; Andersen, Liselotte W.; Kjeldsen, Kasper U.; Michel, Loïc N.; Hong, Wei-Li; Choquet, Marvin ; Rasmussen, Tine Lander

Journal: Heliyon

Beccari, Valentina; Almogi-Labin, Ahuva; Basso, Daniela; Panieri, Giuliana; Makovsky, Yizhaq; Hajdas, Irka; Spezzaferri, Silvia

Journal: Journal of Micropalaeontology

Portnov, Aleksei D; You, Kehua; Flemings, Peter B.; Cook, Ann E.; Heidari, Mahdi; Sawyer, Derek E.; Bünz, Stefan

Journal: Geology

Ziveri, Patrizia; Gray, William Robert; Anglada Ortiz, Griselda; Manno, Clara; Grelaud, Michael; Incarbona, Alessandro; Rae, James William Buchanan; Subhas, Adam V.; Pallacks, Sven; White, Angelicque; Adkins, Jess F.; Berelson, William

Journal: Nature Communications

Participants from the CAGE Final Gathering event to mark the end of CAGE - February 2023.


CAGE Final Gathering February 2023

Thank you to all of the CAGE and Department of Geosciences UiT  staff who joined us at Malangen Resort in February 2023 for the CAGE Final Gathering.

This event was organized to mark the end of CAGE and to thank all those who have supported and contributed to the success of CAGE over this past decade.

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